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Crane Hot Line

What's this all about?

As the lifting and access equipment industry continues to evolve, so too, does the way information about it is communicated. You are reading the first electronic magazine about this unique segment of the construction equipment market.

Lift and Access 360 will come to you 25 times a year. It will cover up-to-date news and commentary for owners of aerial, crane, and forklift equipment. As you read this, our inaugural issue, you will find the "Top Stories" section includes in-depth reporting on industry news.

When it comes to kicking the tires, we will do hands-on reviews of new and used equipment. Found in the "Equipment Reviews" section, articles on new introductions offer objective information sprinkled with a little subjective evaluation. In the "On the Job" section, we will evaluate machines that have been in the field for a number of years to see how they have held up to the rigors of real work environments.

The intended purpose of "Accident Alert" is to raise the level of awareness about common types of accidents and unsafe practices involving lifting equipment.

In addition, we will be hosting guest editorials from some of the industry's most informed sources. Watch for these commentaries in the "Guest Column" section.

Lift and Access 360 is an extension of, where you will find the platform for our key endeavor-to be a touchstone of the lift and access industry. Over time we intend to build a resource to serve virtually every aspect of the industry, such as specification guides for product research and selection and archived machine information and reviews.

In the "Forum" we will host on-going discussions on a wide variety of topics. This is your opportunity to sound-off and be heard.

Lift and Access 360 was born out of the recognition that there continues to be a need for more in-depth information presented in a timely manner about the industry, the markets that use lifting equipment, and the products that make this segment of the construction equipment industry so unique.

For those who are not familiar with our staff, allow me to tell you a little about us. Our editor is Tracy Bennett. Tracy has 11 years of in-depth journalism experience with the lifting and access industry. Her knowledge of the business and outstanding work have earned her the respect of both readers, manufacturers, and suppliers. My 27 years in the industry have given me a broad spectrum of experiences. Retail operations, management, leasing, consulting, and journalism have directly exposed me to virtually every aspect of the lift and access business. Our combined experiences and talents form the perfect team to get the job done. More than anything else, we welcome your comments. We are here to serve you and your input will help us in this endeavor.

We look forward to working with you.

Guy Ramsey,

P.S. Pass the word

Article written by By Guy Ramsey


Crane Hot Line is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.