Every year is yet another opportunity for industry individuals and experts (and the associations they keep), to come together and discuss what worked the year before, what didn’t, brainstorm solutions and network with one another.
In the case of the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA), which has been getting hundreds of its members in the same room for more than 75 years, it’s a chance to see old friends and new at its Specialized Transportation Symposium (STS), being held in Charlotte, North Carolina, from Feb. 18-20.
This event brings together peers from across the oversize/overweight (OS/OW) spectrum and offers them ways to learn from respected experts who share the latest ideas, products and solutions, as well insight into subjects that are most important to not only their business, but the industry in general.
What to Expect
For members, the first day will be filled with a variety of meetings with state permitting officials from the U.S. Department of Transportation, organized by their geographic regions, in which members can ask questions, voice concerns and problem solve.
“What’s unique about it [this session] is that one industry association has broad participation from state regulators,” said Chris Smith, vice president of transportation for SC&RA.
“The last few years we’ve had between 25 to 30 state regulators from different states participating in the symposium such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) who regulate the highway guidelines across the U.S.,” he said.
According to Smith, the relationship between SC&RA and agencies such as AASHTO, as well as others, has been especially critical over the decades, and ultimately fruitful.
“To move loads through any one state, you have to secure a permit. That’s when you have to deal with different rules and regulations [and] what you need to provide the state to get a permit,” he said.
“It makes the difference between whether a load goes or not.”
All attendees are welcome at this kickoff event which will also include members from the Permit Policy Committee, the Pilot Car Committee and the Transportation Safety, Education & Training Committee.
Rounding out the afternoon meetings are experts on this year’s market forecast and trends in the OS/OW shipping markets and equipment financing.
Other notable sessions include:
In addition, there will be an interactive roundtable discussion from SC&RA’s preferred producers who want to hear from members on how to assess, plan for and mitigate risks in the office and over the road.
The issue of risk management and insurance will be discussed. Another not-to-be-missed session is “Navigating the Real-World Nuances of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement,” in which carriers and former truck enforcement officials review mock citations and provide insight on balancing reasonable application of the letter of the law.
“I look forward to SC&RA’s Transportation Symposium. No other industry event has a greater concentration of heavy equipment haulers and crane and rigging companies,” said Shawn Murtha, director of sales marketing of TRAIL-EZE Trailers.
After-Party and Networking Opportunities
With a current roster of 47 (out of 50) exhibitors and almost 400 attendees, the STS Exhibit Center is the place to connect with heavy haul company management teams, insurance companies and other industry experts to talk safety, risk management and anything and everything in between.
“The Specialized Transportation Symposium is one of my favorite events of the year. No other show matches the networking and educational opportunities in the specialized transportation industry,” said Marc Staley, heavy haul manager at Hale Trailer.
“SC&RA puts together a great event every year,” Staley added.
Registration is currently open, and will remain so until the event premiers, although Smith encourages participants to sign up early.
“The hotel sells out very fast and a lot of networking happens after 5 o’clock. The last thing you want to have to do is take a taxi or Uber back to your hotel halfway across town,” he said.
For Smith, it’s no wonder why the symposium continues to be so popular.
“Our members lift and move the world,” he said.
For more information, visit www.scranet.org.