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Crane Hot Line

SC&RA Fills Officer Vacancies

August 4, 2004 - James White, president of the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA) recently filled the vice president position left vacant after the death of SC&RA V.P. William L. Sterett Jr., Sterett Crane & Rigging.

White appointed Assistant Treasurer Jerry Thomsen, Trail King Industries, Mitchell , S.D., to fill the office of Vice President and Doug Williams, Buckner Heavy Lift Cranes, Graham , N.C., to fill the Assistant Treasurer position. White also appointed Michael Battaini, Sheedy Drayage, San Francisco, Calif., to fill the vacancy of Insurance Committee Chair - a volunteer position formerly held by Bill Sterett.

Sterett died from injuries he suffered on June 26, when the hydroplane he was piloting hit rough water and broke up on the Ohio River. He was president of Sterett Construction, Owensboro, Ky., and was actively involved in SC&RA for more than 30 years.

Sterett was elected Vice President of SC&RA in April 2004 and was slated to serve as President in 2005.

Sterett had been involved in hydroplane racing for many years, setting two course records in 1971 and winning the President's Cup in Washington, D.C., in 1972.


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