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Crane Hot Line

RSC Cookout Feeds 200 Workers

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RSC Territory Manager Phil Baird (front) and RSC Sales Representative Debbie Livingston (in hard hat) serve hamburgers and hotdogs to a hungry crew at The Legends shopping plaza in Kansas City, Kan.

May 16, 2005 Despite the rain and ankle-deep mud, RSC Equipment Rental held a customer appreciation cookout at The Legends shopping plaza in Kansas City, Kan. Droves of workers made their way through the hot lunch line where they were served hamburgers, hotdogs, and baked beans. Contractors on-site included Kansas City, Mo.-based J.E. Dunn, Walton Construction, BSC Steel, and Les Collins Plastering of St. Joseph, Mo. Representatives from Genie Industries and Wacker Construction Tools also were in attendance. The luncheon was coordinated by Debbie Livingston, an RSC sales representative out of the Olathe, Kan., office.

The Legends is the third major component of the Village West retail district near the Kansas Speedway, which also includes Nebraska Furniture Mart and Cabela's, and it will feature 750,000 square feet of retail space with 100 to 120 shops and restaurants. Dave & Buster's, T-Rex — a restaurant featuring robotic dinosaurs, Cavender's western apparel, and a theater complex are only a few of the confirmed tenants of the shopping center. The theater and Dave & Buster's are expected to be open in November, while the rest of the complex should be open next spring.

The Legends cookout is only one of many barbecues RSC Equipment Rental will host on jobsites this summer in the Kansas City metro area.


Crane Hot Line is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.