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Crane Hot Line

Rental Service Corporation Logs its Fleet with National Equipment Register

July 21, 2004 - Rental Service Corp., Scottsdale , Ariz. , joins a growing number of rental companies registering its equipment in national databases. This week National Equipment Register (NER) logged Rental Service's fleet into its database.

Priscilla Oehlert, Rental Service's director of risk, safety and environmental, said theft is a significant concern for all rental companies and their clients. “This is the right thing to do because it will positively impact our clients and the industry as a whole. The more fleets that register equipment, the more officers will use NER, and the harder it will be for thieves to steal.”

As a part of the registration process, each of Rental Service's mobile units will be marked with decals that clearly warn thieves that the equipment is registered on a national database used extensively by law enforcement. This decal informs the would-be criminal that the chances of being detected while moving, storing or selling the equipment are greatly increased.

Even without the decal, Rental Service's equipment is protected. “If the decal is removed, the unit is still registered on the database and can be identified in a number of ways,” said David Shillingford, president of NER.

“Having closely observed NER's development over the last two years, I believe the company provides a much needed and very cost effective solution • one that we are excited to implement immediately and nationally,” said Oehlert.


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