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Crane Hot Line

OSHA Fines Bourne, Mass.

January 2016 – An electrical contractor has agreed to corrective action to prevent future deaths and injuries, and establish a training fund in the memory of two workers who were killed when a crane toppled in 2014. The two IBEW members were working atop a personnel platform on a truck-mounted crane when the crane overturned and fell some 140 ft. with both men harnessed to it. OSHA cited Mass Bay Electrical for not training employees properly or evaluating their ability to properly operate the crane.


The contractor agreed to pay a penalty of $136,000, and to perform a number of corrective actions, including certification and training for management and employees on crane and aerial lift operations and safety standards; regular internal and independent safety audits; developing an in-house safety committee; requiring field managers to be journeymen linemen on worksites where linemen work; and providing regular notification to OSHA of utility work projects.



The endowment fund, in the names of the two workers and administered in cooperation with IBEW Local 104, provides scholarships to workers interested in obtaining training and education in the fields of line construction project management and safety.  -



Crane Hot Line is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.