IllerSENIO embarked on groundbreaking initiatives with the construction of the new care home in Vöhringen. Initially met with skepticism, the decision to design the building as a timber-hybrid modular construction proved its worth by saving time and money, along with the utilization of eco-friendly materials.
Employing an 85-meter telescopic boom, crane specialist Schußmann, headquartered just outside Munich in Mammendorf, delivered one of its most potent mobile cranes to Illertal. This Liebherr LTM 1450-8.1 efficiently assembled all 158 modules from three crane locations on-site without requiring lattice extensions. The crane's flexibility, coupled with its hydraulically adjustable ballast radius, played a pivotal role. Even on the top floor, where modules weighing approximately 15 tonnes were assembled, the Liebherr 450-tonne crane effectively operated with only 34 tonnes of ballast.
Resident rooms, manufactured by Künzli Holz AG, a specialized timber construction firm with branches across Switzerland and Germany, were transported from Rammingen in Bavaria to equip the nursing home in Vöhringen. Each accommodation unit, measuring 4.4 meters wide and 7.8 meters long, came fully furnished with flooring materials, wall paneling, built-in cupboards and an entire electrical system. Bathrooms were equipped with water connections and all necessary sanitary fittings. Due to their increased width, special transportation arrangements were necessary to ensure everything was delivered safely to the construction site.