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Crane Hot Line

ARA of California Takes Shape

August 4, 2004 - The newly incorporated American Rental Association of California is a first for the ARA in the state. Other state-based rental associations exist and attempts have been made in the past by the ARA to form alliances in the state, but this organization is positioned to make good use of ARA's national connections.

"A state ARA organization will be able to benefit from national programs," said Paul Schlerf, ARA Region Nine director. While California rental companies have had access to the California Rental Association for many years, "the CRA is limited in its ability to provide a national focus," said Schlerf.

"The ARA of California was established at the urging of general and associate members within California who wanted services specific to their state and increased direct involvement with the association," said Christine Wehrman, ARA executive vice president and chief executive officer.

Following the appointment of officers and directors, one of the key issues the ARA of California will be facing is the development of an advocacy program in which the association will identify important state laws that could affect the rental industry there. "It is important that we support lobbying efforts that favor the rental industry and work with [politicians in] Sacramento to establish favorable new laws," said Schlerf.

Other top-of-the-list concerns are to offer two training sessions, one in northern California and one in the south, for members as early as this fall. Currently there are 215 national ARA members located in California which automatically become members of the ARA of California.

As Region Nine Director, Schlerf (who is also the sales manager for Equip Rent in Azusa and Glendora , Calif. ,) also has responsibility for Hawaii and Nevada . He has hopes of re-energizing an inactive ARA of Hawaii and attempting to establish a state association in Nevada .

"This is a step forward for California . We are looking for a renewed effort to push California back to the forefront," said Schlerf.


Crane Hot Line is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.