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Crane Hot Line

AEM Customer Support Seminar Co-Locates with AEMP Symposium

September 23, 2014 - The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) will hold its Customer Support Seminar on Nov. 3-5 iat the Sheraton Music City Hotel n Nashville, Tenn. This year, it will be co-located with the annual Asset Management Symposium of the Association of Equipment Management Professionals (AEMP).


AEM notes that it costs seven times as much to acquire new customers compared to maintaining existing customer relationships, and the seminar will provide the latest customer satisfaction and retention strategies for aftermarket professionals in off-road equipment manufacturing.


AEM customer support seminar attendees will be able to participate in planned networking opportunities and joint education sessions with AEMP members, including a welcome reception and a progress report on the new AEM/AEMP telematics standard, and they can also take advantage of informal opportunities for networking and information-sharing.


“These AEM customer support seminars are developed by AEM members and specifically focus on equipment manufacturers’ issues in supporting their equipment, dealers and customers.  Attendees know they’ll find deeper knowledge to perform their jobs more effectively,” stated  Michael Balella, Business Development Manager, Product Support with Liebherr and chair of the AEM Customer Support Council. “Our co-location with the AEMP symposium is an outstanding opportunity to meet with many of our customers in a learning and networking environment and engage them in meaningful conversation."    

Key seminar themes to help attendees keep the customers of today and prepare for the customers of tomorrow include:

  • How customer service should be treated as an overall approach to systematic improvement for customer retention and growth
  • Strategies OEMs must use to maintain long-term customer relationships and market share
  • How recruiting, training and keeping a diverse workforce is critical to safeguarding future business success
  • How an industrywide telematics standardization and integration process can increase customer satisfaction and work efficiencies. Attendees will also hear latest updates on the AEM/AEMP telematics standard.


Carl Cannon of the Peoria (Illinois) Park District opens the education program November 4 with an inspiring keynote on engaging tomorrow’s workforce. Cannon grew up in the projects and has devoted his life to helping at-risk kids turn their lives around. Seminar attendees will hear how these positive young adults are now contributing to industry workforce needs.



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