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Crane Hot Line

AEM Reports Increase in 1Q Construction Equipment Exports

July 7, 2004 - Construction equipment manufacturers shipped more than $1.94 billion worth of machinery to global markets in the first quarter of 2004, an increase of almost 10% compared to the previous quarter and an 18% gain over first-quarter 2003, according to data released in May by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), Milwaukee, Wis.

The top three countries taking delivery of the most U.S. construction equipment were Canada, Australia, and Mexico. The strongest gains, however, were in South America , where exports rose more than 30% compared to the previous quarter to total $267 million. This was an 89% increase over the same period in 2003.

Meanwhile Asia was the only market recording a drop in exports-purchases of $236 million represented a 5.5% decline from the previous quarter and a 4% drop compared to 1Q 2003.

AEM consolidates numbers from U.S. Commerce Department data with other sources to compile its quarterly trends report.


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