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Crane Hot Line

2005 World of Concrete returns to Las Vegas

April 7, 2004 -More than 56,000 people attended the 2004 World of Concrete in Orlando , Fla. , which is down from the approximately 71,000 attendees at last year's Las Vegas event. Next year the show returns to the popular Las Vegas Convention Center , January 18-21, which will be the annual venue for future World of Concrete events.

In addition, Hanley Wood Exhibitions will debut "Technology for Construction," a conference and exhibition, to be held in conjunction with the 2005 World of Concrete. Formerly staged in a separate exhibit area and known as A|E|C SYSTEMS event. This new, combined technology exhibit will showcase cutting-edge products, tools and solutions that focus on innovation and design.


Crane Hot Line is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.